About Me

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I am 24 years old with a passion for living life. I am happily married and expecting our first child May 2015. I am into running, triathlons and being involved in weightwatchers. Bunny slave to two bunnies so check out fudge_cinder on instagram!

Thursday 2 April 2015

Special Attention

I think what I am going to miss the most about being pregnant is the attention my husband gives me for example; this morning it was extremely icy out so he held my hand and walked me to my truck, helped me in and then on top of that scrapped the ice from my windshield.  Like come on that is excellent service! I am certainly going to miss that in the future.


Wednesday 1 April 2015

Work Vent

I have 5 1/2 weeks left until my due date and work still has not found a replacement for my one job or the job I have been covering for where someone recently quit.  I probably shouldn't be worrying about if they find someone to cover while I am on mat leave but I seriously do I not want this person to come in without my training him/her and screwing everything up.  I defiantly don't want to come back after a year of maternity leave and be cleaning up a huge mess.My coworkers keep saying that they are having a hard time finding the right person because I am so good at my job which is a really nice compliment but seriously there has to be someone out there. 

Maybe I care too much... Should I have a meeting with my boss or just let them figure it out?

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Best Birthday Gift!

My husband has been secretive all week and keeps saying that he is the best husband ever. I just ignored him and said okay I look forward to my bday gift. (My birthday is April 18 and he seriously has a hard time keeping secrets.) Later on I heard on the news that Kelly Clarkson was coming to Edmonton and Calgary in October. OMG we both love Kelly Clarkson so I go on to my computer and start figuring out the cost and where the best seats are, I all the sudden stop and jokingly say maybe I should just stop in case this is my bday gift and laugh. My husband silently looks at me and says "I don't know what to say right now..." I freak out saying "Are you serious, you got tickets?!"

Best Birthday gift ever!!

Playing Catch Up

Its been 7 months since my last blog post.  Currently at work (really slow in the oil & gas market right now), I am sitting on a bright pink yoga ball and feeling the little growing baby in my belly rolling around. Yes you read that right, I am 34 weeks pregnant and expecting baby to arrive on May 8, 2015.  (oh man I really want a peanut buster parfait)

There are things that I am nervous about; such as learning how to take care of a new little baby and on top of taking a year of maternity leave.  I have been working since I was 15 so that will defiantly be an adjustment.  I am also worried about loosing a sense of myself while becoming a mother.  I still want to do the things that I love like running, being outside and have a relationship with my hubby.  (I really miss running, haven't ran at all this entire pregnancy)

There are of course things I am looking forward to being a family and enjoying this new little person that we have brought into the world. I can't wait to go swimming with the little one, go for family walks, watching the little one learn and grow, being a family unit and going on family trips.

I sure have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to look forward to in the future.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Expanding Spirtuality

I personally have never had a really large belief of God or Jesus but I have always believed in souls and spirits.  My friend just introduced me to Tarot Cards and a pendulum. And I have to say there must be something between the two of us that makes us click.  Our results are crazy accurate it is worth looking into. I am amazed.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Missing something?

I have two fun races this weekend, the run or dye race and a sprint triathlon. I am looking forward to both of them; however, I just can't seem to get in the eating healthy/training mode. What is wrong with me? I am unsure but I am going to get back on track and get back to the basics of eating properly, in moderation and tracking. 

I really dislike feeling fat and I need to get back in control before it spirals out of my control!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Phoenix '14

Got back from a vaca in Phoenix, had so much fun. We got lots of shopping done on this trip, stuff is so cheap in the States its unbelievable! I told my hubby that next time we are only going to Kohls a maximum of 3 times because this trip we went every single day which was a bit exhausting.  We went to the movie theatre and watched Maleficent (it was amazing, I cried in so many parts because I was so excited) and saw X-men (another movie series that I love). We went to a D-Backs game too, I love baseball but I also love people watching, since I am hearing impaired and lip read I can get in on so many conversations.

When we were on the plane home I leaned over and told my husband that the next time we come either I will be pregnant or we will have a child, that is super exciting for both of us! I told my mom that I had said that to him and her eyes just went wide open in fright or excitement I am not sure.

Can't wait for our next trip which is Hawaii Xmas '14!